
About Me

“Five years from now, you will be the same person you are now, except for the people you meet and the books that you read - John Wooden
Books: whereas friends influence their respective circles, books influence people the author never knew, nor would he. With such a tool, one ought to be able to write well so that his thoughts are clearly communicated. Good writing habits, therefore, must be learned, practiced, and applied. And that’s the purpose of this blog - for me to learn to write well.
Me: Who am I? Sadly, not Jean Valjean. At the ancient age of 16 (it’s been around for quite a while, as ya’ll know), I’m Joshua, and any derivation that you can...derive from that (trust me, I’ve not heard something too whacked yet). I’m the 5th of 10 kids, and have been homeschooled since cube one (as we’ve been homeschooled, we like to learn in the third dimension). I am currently taking the bagpipes from a local bagpipe teacher...yes, the bagpipes. I enjoy them, but that might be a result of my whacked tastes.
Hobbies: I enjoy playing different sports (soccer, volleyball, frisbee, basketball, etc) with friends of all different ages and sizes. Books, however, are my travelling companions, but I’m not quite sure who travels with the other more. I’m tempted to think it’s the books that bring me with them, more often than I bring them with me. History is one of my favorite “hobby topics.” I’ve read author G. A. Henty, attempted James Usher’s Annals of the World, and have admittedly passed my time delightedly engrossed in a history textbook (straight, history curriculum textbooks). Additionally, I’m currently working on a 5-volume series called Historic Characters and Events, which is proving most fascinating. Being a history lover has led me to volunteer at Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. Not only can I practice a Scots-Irish-British mutt dialect (which has actually convinced some that I hail from those isles...go figure), but its rich story (though only 40 or 50 years long) has simply wetted my appetite for history. If so much history can be involved in that timespan, how much more in 6000 years!
What’s made me who I am:  I’ve saved the Basis of all my friendships and standards till last, though it is by far the predominant theme in my life. I’ve been saved, from the consequence of my own ways, by the precious sacrifice of Jesus Christ, God incarnate. I could do nothing on my own to save myself. I had committed sin, and was therefore subject to punishment. But God, in His abundant mercy (not giving me what I deserve) and grace (giving me what I don’t deserve) and love for, not just me, but for the whole world, sent Jesus, His only begotten Son, to save us from ourselves. 10 years ago, I recognized and believed that Jesus could and did take my punishment upon Himself.
This does not mean I’m living the highlife, with no setbacks or shortcomings. If you know me, you know I’ve got my own set of problems. It is when I think, in my pride and arrogance, that I can solve this problem or make straight someone’s path, I fall. That’s because I’m still human; it’s not an excuse, but it is actually a comfort. To know that God, Creator of all, Redeemer of man, and King of the universe, still loves me, and will still pick me up when I fall short, is a great comfort. He is bringing me to perfection; as a human being, I won’t be made perfect until I meet with Him in heaven, but I strive, by the strength He’s given me, to live more Christ-like, as an example to unbelievers of the power of Christ.
So sit back join me! Feel free to grab a red marker, and if you see something (either writing style or thematic) that I could improve upon or change, please let me know. I crave feedback!

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